Murph's random witterings

2020-05-30 - Changing the folder structure of the blog

Author: @recumbent, published: 2020-05-30, tags: ["fornax"]

One of the things I want is for the posts and the folder structure to be inherently discoverable. I'm some way there - but not quite where I wanted and in looking at what I've already done its clear to me that the posts folder is redundant. Similarly if I'm doing this "right" I do need to have a folder for each date (for all that I don't expect to publish multiple posts on the same day)

Its kinda important to get these changes out of the way as early as possible - before I do anything that might result in google taking notice - because whilst its no exactly difficult to set up redirects, I'd rather not (yet).

As I'm on playing with the structure its probably an opportunity to fix up some other pages - tags for example - without too much effort. After that I'm afraid I need to give myself a to do list (erm, "backlog"?) of things that might benefit from improvement.

But first...

The very first thing I need to do is to enable live update in watch mode again - this was causing me issues for various reasons but since my first pass at the blog Fornax has been updated and now will flag if its in watch mode.

Specifically the code that calls the generators now has this line:

    if isWatch then  yield "--define:WATCH"`

Previously there was logic in the loader that set a flag to decide if the refresh logic should be included in the layout, we need to get rid of that and just use the shiny new flag, that changes the render function in generators/layout.fsx to

let render (ctx : SiteContents) content =
  |> HtmlElement.ToString
  |> injectWebsocketCode

And attempting to test that tells me that my shiny new use of a drafts folder breaks the generator. So now we have to fix that before we can contine.

Fixing the build issue

There are two possibilities here, on the one hand I don't really want the drafts folder to be included when I build (for publication) but on the other it would be nice to be able to preview the drafts when I'm working on them.

We can address the first problem fairly directly by excluding the drafts folder when we're not in watch mode.

If we change the in config.fsx to the following (which is a bit clunky):

let postPredicate (projectRoot: string, page: string) =
    let fileName = Path.Combine(projectRoot, page)
    let ext = Path.GetExtension page
#if !WATCH
    if not (page.Contains "drafts") && ext = ".md" then
    if ext = ".md" then
        let ctn = File.ReadAllText fileName
        ctn.Contains("layout: post")

Then if we're not in watch mode we won't treat the drafts folder as posts and all will be good.

That also means we need to make an addition to the list of filters for static content:

        page.Contains "drafts" ||

without this build will make a literal copy of any draft posts (which will then get published)

Not fixing the watch issue

At this point I got lost - actually I had a lot of fun exploring the possibilities of de-dupication and other things but in so doing I ended up in a completely broken state (to do this I need to do that which leads to something else). It turns out that I don't know enough about how F# scripts behave yet, and I suspect that my development process could be better - that in particular I'm not making enough use of the REPL to test my code. That's definitely a story I need to explorer further.

Instead I took a bit of guidance from the Mikado method and threw away (well branched away) my work and did a hard reset.

I'm going to park the watch issue for bit to continue with my original goal of fixing the folder structure.

Fixing the folder structure

1. There has to be a date

First decision is to make the published date on a post mandatory - if there's no published date in the front matter (there won't be if its a draft) use "Today". I can do this because its my bat and my ball and that rule fits my needs. Published in a post becomes:

    published: System.DateTime

That triggers a whole load of things that need to be fixed, which in turn makes them less complicated

When creating the post to be stored in the content we need to map from an option

      published = published |> Option.defaultValue DateTime.Today

We no longer have to worry about the optin in processPost giving:

let processPost (siteContent: SiteContents) (post: Post) =
    siteContent.Add post
    processYearIndex siteContent post.published
    processMonthIndex siteContent post.published

I can also remove siteContent.Add({disableLiveRefresh = true}) from the loader function as we don't work that way any more.

2. Everything is broken

Turns out that published - as an option - is referenced a lot...

I have this function in several places:

let published (post: Postloader.Post) =
    |> Option.defaultValue System.DateTime.MinValue
    |> fun n -> n.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

We want to reduce the number of places but as published is no longer an option we can simplify this to the following wherever we find it:

let published (post: Postloader.Post) =

And similarly everywhere else we reference published, which allows build to work again

3. De duplication of links to posts

I have something like the following in at least 3 places in the code:

    a [Href] [!! (sprintf "%s - %s" (published post) post.title)]

There's scope there for a bit of de-duplication, first we push published into layout, then we add a new function in layout

let makeTitle (post : Postloader.Post) =
    sprintf "%s - %s" (published post) post.title

For now we'll keep the Href pointing to (although that's going to be wrong - I need to fix that) but to be consistent lets wrap that in a function too:

let makePath (post: Postloader.Post) =

And finally we can have a function for the whole <a>...</a>:

let makeLink (post: Postloader.Post) = 
      a [Href (makePath post)] [!! (makeTitle post)]

Which leaves me using

    makeLink post

And with that able to change the way I put the title together in a single location. I want to do something better with tags (and the author) but that's for another day.

3. Links are broken now

I've moved the files around, but I haven't changed the link creation logic. The logic for link generation is in postloader.fsx and also to some extent in the generators yearindex.fsx and monthindex.fsx - not sure if I can tidy this all up.

The particular challenge is that we create the path in two different contexts, one is purely from the filename in config.fsx and the other is for links as part of generation, that said we've addressed the first part so we'll not worry too much.

Remove link from the model in postloader.fsx as it is no longer needed.

Change the makePath method in layout.fsx to:

let makePath (post: Postloader.Post) = 
    sprintf "/%04i/%02i/%02i/%s.html" post.published.Year post.published.Month post.published.Day post.file

4. Watch is still broken

My problem with watch is that I can't find drafts when attempting to render them as a post.

To fix this I'm going to remove the extras from the value stored for "file" which in turn is the key used to find the data during the generation phase.

So we change parsing of file in postloader.fsx to be just

    let file = (n |> System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)

Then change the post lookup logic in the generator post.fsx to:

    let file = (page |> System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)

    let post =
        ctx.TryGetValues<Postloader.Post> ()
        |> Option.defaultValue Seq.empty
        |> Seq.find (fun n -> n.file = file)

Of course this now tells me that I'm not actually loading the drafts in the first place 😭

5. Don't forget to load the drafts

The code just looks at the posts folder, but we want it to look in the drafts folder as well (assuming there is one). To achieve this we tweak postloader.fsx so that the loader function looks like this:

let loader' (projectRoot: string) (postsFolder: string) (siteContent: SiteContents) =
    let postsPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(projectRoot, postsFolder)
    System.IO.Directory.GetFiles postsPath
    |> Array.filter (fun n -> n.EndsWith ".md")
    |> loadFile
    |> Array.iter (fun p -> processPost siteContent p)


let loader (projectRoot: string) (siteContent: SiteContents) =
    loader' projectRoot "posts" siteContent
    // Add content from the drafts folder too
    |> loader' projectRoot "drafts" 

And magically watch will - or at least should - work as designed!

6. But the links are still wrong

I've outsmarted myself, a bit, the file part of a published post includes the date - to make my life easier in finding things and maintaining the site. I'm not removing that part when I create a link even though I am when creating the path to the published file.

To resolve this, for now, I'm going to take a fairly direct approach and change makePath in layout.fsx strip the date from the front if there is a date at the front

let makePath (post: Postloader.Post) = 
    let file = 
      if post.file.StartsWith((published post))
      then post.file.Substring(11)
      else post.file
    sprintf "/%04i/%02i/%02i/%s.html" post.published.Year post.published.Month post.published.Day file

And finally (!) we get to a point where I'm happy

7. One last thing

The paths for the urls should be all lower case, they're not because of the way I've worked things so far so to ensure that's the case I need to make a couple of tweaks

In postloader.fsx when setting file force the input to lower case:

    let file = (n.ToLower() |> System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)

And then we need to do the same in post.fsx when looking for the post to match a page:

    let file = (page.ToLower() |> System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension)

    let post =
        ctx.TryGetValues<Postloader.Post> ()
        |> Option.defaultValue Seq.empty
        |> Seq.find (fun n -> n.file = file)

And at this point I need to stop with this round of changes!

That was harder than it seemed at the start

As a conclusion to all the above, I thought I was making a simple change, and it kinda just snowballed on me - this is the "joy" of software development.

I'm doing this for "fun", and to learn, so perhaps it doesn't matter - but this snowball effect is something one has to be aware of. Its why the Mikado method is really interesting. I doubt anyone will read to here... but the reason I've published this is to show (myself at least) how these things happen.
